Fish oil supplements can reverse the harm caused by high-fat diet
August 26, 2016 Source: Bio Valley
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A mouse study at the University of São Paulo shows that supplementation with fish oil can prevent or reverse the harmful effects of a high-fat diet. This further demonstrates the beneficial properties of fish oil pills, suggesting that they may be effective substances for the prevention of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Fish oil pills are a popular dietary supplement because they have many people who think the benefits. Long-term intake of high-fat foods can lead to insulin resistance, increased body weight and cholesterol levels, which can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes. This medicine shows that fish oil can effectively prevent these harmful processes from happening.
The researchers gave mice with high-fat diets for 4 weeks to collect and analyze body fat levels, and to measure body metabolism and insulin resistance.
Maria Isabel Alonso-Vale, a professor of biology at the University of São Paulo, said, "Our research suggests that fish oil intake may be a new way to prevent obesity and insulin resistance and as an adjunct to drug intervention."
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