What should I eat during pregnancy?

Women's diet during pregnancy is very important. If improper diet during this period has a very negative impact on women's body and fetus, what foods should women not eat or eat during pregnancy?


First, the pig liver blood, most people think so, but it has the effect of breaking the blood, will disperse the waste blood in the womb; but because of pregnancy there is no waste in the womb, it is easy to cause early miscarriage. Therefore, pregnancy is best not to eat or eat less.

Second, cold food should not eat; lettuce, sashimi because it has not been cooked and sterilized, easily lead to diarrhea, and cold food will affect the respiratory organs, causing baby allergies.

Third, too salty, too spicy, scorched and fried foods too salty, too spicy food is too irritating to the fetus; scorched food has an effect on the upper respiratory organs and nerves, both of which are likely to cause the baby to have allergies. .

Fourth, the avoidance of the slide of goods such as black fungus, peony, mie, purslane, etc., have a certain impact on early pregnancy. Such as pharmacological experiments show that Mi Ren has excitatory effects on the uterine muscle, can promote uterine contractions, and thus may induce miscarriage.

5, avoid hot food, pregnant women should avoid eating hot foods, due to hot foods can make the body heat increase, affecting the body of poly-tonic, this type of food such as lamb, dog meat, venison, rooster meat, Sparrow, seahorse, parsley, litchi, longan, apricot, almond and so on.

Six, shrimp, crabs, crabs, hormones are very strong, pregnant women in pregnant hormone secretion incongruous, it is best not to eat, because it may exacerbate the hormonal imbalance.

Seven, leeks, malt (sugar) production back to milk is very effective, but it will affect the secretion of hormones, and easy to cause nausea and vomiting.

VIII. Avoiding aquaculture products with abortion Many aquatic products have the effect of promoting blood circulation and softening. After eating, they may have adverse effects on early pregnancy, such as crabs, soft-shelled turtles, and kelp. Crabs are cold and cool, and they have the power of activating blood circulation, especially crab claws, which have obvious abortions; the sea has the effect of soft-firming and dispelling knots; the soft-shelled turtle has a strong role in blood circulation and dispersal, and therefore has The disadvantages of abortion.


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