The difference between rabbit breeding and meat rabbit breeding

Rabbits have relatively weak gastrointestinal system

Rex rabbits are relatively delicate and relatively delicate than meat rabbits, and their food intake is relatively small. They grow slowly and are medium-sized. Breeding rabbits must adopt various combinations of fodder, nutrient balance, and emphasis on nutritional requirements. Special attention must be paid to dietary protein, amino acids, and vitamins. The need and balance are important for the growth and quality of the rabbit's fur. Rex Rabbit Night

Rex rabbits are often dominated by closed sleep during the day and have less activity. As night fell, Rex rabbit spirit multiplied, activities were active, frequent intake of drinking water, accounting for more than 80% of the day's food intake, the characteristics of feeding Rex rabbits should pay more attention to the supply of nocturnal fodder, drinking water to ensure healthy growth and production of Rex rabbits.

Rex rabbits have relatively poor motherhood

Rex rabbits' fertility rate, litter size and adaptability are also less than those of meat rabbits. Therefore, rex rabbit breeding and mating should be carried out with compound or dual distribution, and inbreeding is forbidden. Compounding and pairing can improve the conception rate and the farrowing rate. When the baby is born, some of the rabbits with poor motherhood will not pull hairs before the childbirth, but they can help pull the abdominal hairs out to complete the exposure of the breasts and nipples. This will not only promote milk but also help the rabbits to suckle. For female rabbits who have abused their habits, they should be eliminated or prevented in advance, and other rabbits should be nurtured as breeding mothers.

Rabbits are susceptible to disease

Rex rabbits are more prone to respiratory diseases and convulsions. Typical symptoms of respiratory diseases are rhinitis, pneumonia, Pasteurella, and Borrell disease. These diseases are mainly prevented by vaccines. Once they occur, they are often repeated and it is difficult to eliminate them completely. Cockroach is a contagious ectoparasitosis. It is a contagious infection. It has a high infection rate and spreads rapidly. This disease must be taken carelessly throughout the year.

Freeze Dried Fruit Powder

Freeze-dried powder is a sterile powder injection obtained by freezing the liquid medicine into a solid state in a sterile environment, and subliming and drying the water in a vacuum. Freeze-dried powder is composed of a bottle of high-purity and high-active biological protein freeze-dried powder and a high-purity liquid essence. When using, it needs to be connected with a patented vacuum to reconstitute the freeze-dried powder and the essence to activate the biological protein activity.

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