Face long spots acne, skin sagging not elastic ... ... These skin problems often make people headaches. If you want to live longer, it is actually very simple. Just take a better way to live. If you want to have a delicate and firm skin, it is also very simple. Starting from food, you can adjust it and you can enjoy beautiful food. According to the US How Stuff Works website, people around the world spend tens of billions of dollars every year on skin care products in order to retain their youth. In fact, skin care needs a healthy lifestyle, not expensive beauty skin care products. Food in daily life can improve your appearance from the inside out. So, in the kitchen we can find foods that make the skin beautiful. Here's to introduce why these foods have a magical beauty effect.
We all know that eating too much sugary foods is not good, but honey is an exception. Honey is a natural moisturizer that absorbs and locks in moisture, which is exactly what dry skin needs most. So, if your skin is itchy and peeling, add a little honey in the shower. Honey with high sugar content and acidic substances can inhibit the growth of bacteria. Before World War II, honey was often used to prevent infection. Recent studies have found that some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics, but honey is an effective weapon against these bacteria.
2. Seafood
Many people know that eating fish is very beneficial to health and it is one of the core of the Mediterranean diet. All kinds of fish and shellfish have a good effect on the skin, especially oysters and oily fish. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that reduce dry skin and inflammation. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids clean the heart's aorta and facilitate blood circulation. And good blood circulation is very important to the skin. Oysters are rich in zinc, and zinc has a good effect on acne. At the same time, zinc can also promote the synthesis of new cells, help to get rid of dead skin and refresh your skin.
3. Eggs
In terms of beauty, the egg's protein and egg yolk have magical effects. The egg yolk is an important source of vitamin A, and vitamin A can make your skin self-repair. Vitamin A can produce vitamin A acid, which can go for acne and reduce wrinkles. Lycopene is one of the sources of B vitamins, and egg yolk also contains soy lecithin, a softening skin lubricant. The protein has a firming effect on the skin and is particularly suitable for skin-sensitive patients.
4. Citrus fruits
Skin care products contain vitamin C more or less. Because this vitamin is the body that promotes collagen synthesis. Women usually suffer from sagging skin due to slow collagen synthesis after 35 years of age. Eat more fruits rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, grapefruit, oranges, etc., not only can prevent wrinkles firming skin, but also fight inflammation.
5. Goat milk
Goat cheese is not only delicious but also good for skin. The lactic acid contained in goat's milk has natural exfoliating properties. At the same time, goat milk has high levels of vitamin A, E and triglyceride, which can help supplement and lock in skin moisture.
6. Avocado
Although there is not enough evidence to prove that avocado can treat postpartum pregnancy and female obesity, avocado does benefit the skin. Since ancient times, shea butter has been used to treat diseases such as arthritis and leprosy. Avocado consists of a variety of triglycerides, such as palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic fatty acids, which effectively emollient. In addition, the researchers found that the unsaponifiables in avocado also have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects.
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