Whether pesticides and herbicides can be mixed in wheat fields

A: Mix according to common sense, but it depends on the description. General wheat field herbicides are now playing, and will be played again in the spring of next year. At this time, there are no insects in the wheat fields, so there is no need to spray insecticides. For wheat, worms occur after the emergence of the ear, and "one spray and three defenses" are carried out from booting to grain filling. Therefore, the use of herbicides and insecticides on wheat is not a stage and there is no case of mixed use.

Ready-to-eat Double Packed Sweet Corn

In this category is sweet corn from Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co.

The physical characteristics of maize consist of grain colour, grain shape, seed coat lustre, grain length, grain width, 100 grain weight, grain diameter, uniformity of the seed and hardness. In most cases, the colour of the endosperm of mature maize kernels is yellow or white, while the seed coat and paste layer are colourless and transparent. Depending on the colour of the kernels, there are three types of maize: yellow, white and mixed. Depending on the kernel form, hardness and different uses, maize is divided into two types: common maize (hard, intermediate, horse-tooth, hard-horse, horse-hard) and special maize (high-lysine maize, high-oil maize, sweet maize, cracked maize, glutinous maize).

The sweet corn of Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. belongs to the special corn category of yellow corn.

Also known as fruit corn. The leaves on the outside are light green (only the ears are in the pack, we have removed the leaves for you) and the kernels inside are white or yellow. Sweeter than regular sweet corn, but lower in starch and rich in vitamin E and fibre, which is anti-ageing and aids digestion. Perfect for eating raw, mixed with vegetables in salads; it can also be steamed, but don't cook it for too long, about 5 minutes.

1975t01Double Packed Sweet Corn Cob

If you have any questions, please contact us directly. If you have any questions, please email us directly.

Delectable Sweet Corn Cob,Microwave Sweet Corn Cob,Country Sweet Corn,Ready To Eat Sweet Corn

Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. , https://www.nscorn.com