Ten methods to increase milk production in dairy goats

1. Feed green feed. Green feed is juicy, nutritious, and can be dried. According to experiments, sheep who eat green grass daily produce 0.5 kg more milk than sheep fed hay.
2. Drink enough warm water. Drink at least 4 times daily. Drink warm water each time and add appropriate salt. Sheep drink enough water, breast lactation function is strong, will increase milk production.
3. Bubble soy beans. Soybeans are rich in nutrients. Daily feeding of milk goats with 100 grams of soaked soybeans can increase milk production by more than 0.5 kilograms. Milk fat percentage is also higher than that of dairy products.
4. Keep grazing. Milk goats grazing for 5-6 hours each. Can promote sheep's blood circulation and metabolism, increase intake and drinking water. According to experiments, sheep that grazing daily can produce more than 300 grams of milk more than those that do not grazing.
5. Increase the number of milking. According to the test, changing milking once a day to 2 times can increase milk production by 20-30%, and 2 times to 3 times, which can increase milk production by 10%. Because the secretion of mammary glands is inversely related to intra-mammary pressure, that is, the emptyer the breast, the faster the lactation. In addition, increasing the number of milking and reducing the internal pressure and the load of the breast can prevent mastitis caused by milking.
6. Massage the breasts. Promote breast development and lactation. Each day, the goat is massaged on the breast 2-3 times for 5-10 minutes each time, which can not only help the development of the mammary gland, increase the milk production, but also promote blood circulation and prevent mastitis.
7. Feed tea. In the summer, the tea is brewed with boiling water for 30 minutes, and the tea is fed to the sheep with slag. It can be used twice a day for 300 ml each time to increase milk production by 20%, and it can prevent heatstroke.
8. Increase natural lighting. Proper temperature and light are essential to maintain and increase milk production in dairy goats. After the beginning of the fall, let the sheep go outdoors to the sunny place at noon every day to enjoy the sun. Increasing natural lighting is an economical and effective way to increase milk production.
9. Careful management. Every year from May to July is the peak of milk production of sheep. The weather is hot and mosquitoes and flies grow up. Sheep often suffer from diseases such as gastroenteritis due to improper feeding or eating feed contaminated with bacteria, causing a decline in milk production. Therefore, we must regularly disinfect and remove fecal matter, do a good job of daily environmental sanitation, carefully feed, strictly control the disease from the mouth into this area, and promptly build a spacious, insulated and ventilated arbour to prevent the heat from cooling. Every 5-7 days, use lime water or Lai Su Er solution to sterilize inside and outside the pens and drinking equipment once, 3-5 days to remove 1 excrement, keep the floor clean and ventilation cool. Feeding must be fresh and the feed to be fed should be kept well to avoid contamination by flies. Drinks should be cleaned daily. Avoid feeding deteriorating feed.
10. Prevention of breast disease. During ewe feeding and lactation, the breasts are often scrubbed with soapy water and warm water to keep the nipple and areola clean. If the lamb's sucking milk damages the nipple, it can suspend breast-feeding for 2-3 days. After the milk is squeezed out, it will be fed to the lamb. The affected part may stick a band-aid or may apply a purple lotion. Daily milking on time, and massage the breasts, then squeeze out the nipple holes and breast gargle juice to eliminate the hidden dangers of mastitis. Often check the health of the breast, if the milk is discolored, the breast has agglomerated, should be local heat, blood circulation, and let the sheep drink more water, reduce the viscosity of the milk, so that the milk thinning in order to facilitate extrusion. At the same time, gently massage the breasts by hand, rubbing the tired milk while squeezing the milk and disappearing. In addition, the sheep are often fed cool herbs such as dandelion, violet, mint, etc., can be heat and purging fire, cooling blood detoxification, prevention and treatment of mastitis.

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