Malt cultivation method and technique

The breeding of wheat is a dicotyledonous plant. In the past, there was a habit of feeding young wheat. Buckwheat is rich in rutin and has an expanding and strengthening effect on human blood vessels. Therefore, raising wheat seedlings is a health food for patients with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, the sprouting vegetables have developed rapidly. The buckwheat sprouts are a variety with a large cultivation area. They can be eaten in many ways. They can be chilled, stir-frying, and can also be used as soups. The taste is fragrant and slightly bitter. 1 Seed preparation: Buckwheat seeds are triangular-shaped oval or triangular, tip apex, triangular, tan, smooth. The production should use seeds with good germination, high purity and cleanliness, and large particles, such as Shanxi buckwheat and Japanese buckwheat. The dry grain weight is 26-28 grams. In the production of buckwheat buds, it is necessary to carry out tan sowing in advance l 2 days before soaking, and to carry out winnowing and saltwater sifting, to screen out seeds that are not full and have poor ripeness and are difficult to germinate or germinate slowly to ensure seed germination and The sprouts grow neatly.
2 Soaking: After the seed cleaning, pour into the soaking container and add 2-3 times the volume of the seed water. The water temperature is 20-30°C. The maximum relative water absorption of buckwheat seeds is lower than the weight of their dried seeds, generally soaking seeds for 24-36 hours, and the relative water absorption is about 61%. At the end of soaking, remove the seeds and wash them again, drain the excess water and wait for sowing.
3 Seeding: The sowing rate for each disc in the production of malt is 150 to 750 grams. Before sowing, clean the bud seedlings, spread on clean white paper or newspaper, and sow evenly.
4 The buckwheat seeds should enter into the germination stage after sowing. The stacked trays are used for germination. The methods and germination management are similar to those of pea sprouts. The germination temperature of the malting bud is 23-26°C and the germination time is 3 days. The germination of the malt up to 2.0-3.0 cm can be completed, and the sprouts can be placed on the cultivation shelf for production management.
5 points after the production management: the malt growth during the growth of thermophilic warm, its optimum growth temperature of 20 to 25 °C, the maximum does not exceed 35 °C, the minimum is generally not less than 16 °C. Temperature regulation method with pea sprouts. Ventilation management is similar to pea sprouts during its growth. Buckwheat buds are thermophilic plants that can be placed in high light areas for production. However, they must be poured every day and they should be exercised in low light areas for a day when they are released. When producing in greenhouses, greenhouses and other protective ground facilities, care should be taken in summer and autumn. Otherwise, sprout fiber content is high, easy to aging, poor taste, poor product characteristics, low economic efficiency. The growth of malt water requires more water, and the principle of watering is also less in the early stage. In the middle and later stages, the amount of watering should be increased. Watering should be 2-4 times a day, and it can be as high as 5-6 times in summer. It is better not to submerge the seeds each time the water is poured, and not to drip the seedlings. To ensure that the relative humidity of the air is about 85%, the ground should be often wetted. Buckwheat buds are prone to rotten species during the germination of stacked disks. High temperature and high humidity or low temperature and low humidity can easily cause the seeds to rot. Production management should strictly control the amount of water and give the appropriate temperature. The use of seeds full of seeds and high germination rates is also the key to preventing bad seeds.

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