Plant morphology
Herbs perennial or subshrubs, leaves opposite, stipitate; leaf blade broadly ovate or ovate, 1.5-5 cm long, 1-4 cm wide, coats on both surfaces, apex shortly acuminate or cuspidate, base cuneate or slightly Rugby; rubbed the leaves and put it in boiling water for a moment there is a red line, a little longer, the water turns red, hence the name "red silk line." Purple flowers in autumn and winter, cymules have 1 pair of ovate leafy bracts, 3 flowers inside, usually only 1 in the middle; calyx short; corolla tube slender, above the middle of the two lips, the upper lip Ling Oval-shaped, narrowly narrow lower lip, apex 3-lobed; stamens 2, nearly as long as style. Fruit stick, 2 rooms, longitudinal when mature. Seed 4, flat spherical.
Blue perennial herb, up to 50 cm.
Stem multi-branched, lower roots axillary, section slightly enlarged, showing a knee flexion; twigs are pilose.
Leaves opposite, broadly ovate or ovate, 1.5 to 5 cm long, 1 to 4 cm wide, with coats on both sides.
Flowers purplish red, arranged in axillary or terminal cymes, inflorescence branches with 1 pair of ovate leafy bracts, with 3 flowers inside, usually only 1 development; corolla 2 lip, lower lip 3 cleft.
Fruit stick, 2 rooms, longitudinal when mature, placentation not rising; 4 seeds, flat spherical.
Flowering early winter.
Mostly cultivated, but also wild in hillside, wasteland, roadside.
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