Leaf blight control

Symptoms occur mostly in the margins of the leaves, 10-20 mm in diameter, grayish white, dark brown on the edges, and densely packed with many small black dots (spore trays of pathogens). In severe conditions, the leaves die.

Control methods 1. Strengthen cultivation management, apply fertilizer and water rationally, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission, and make plants grow robustly. 2. Remove diseased leaves, centralize burns, and eliminate sources of infestation. 3, found the diseased plants, spraying 50% thiophanate WP 800-1000 times in time.

Disposable Luer Lock Syringe

Syringes are one of the most common instruments that use a system of Luer fittings, which are attached to a female needle that either screws into it or is screwed on top. There are two types of connection types: locking and sliding.

Luer lock syringes are more secure, the needle is inserted into the Syringe and twisted to form a locking connection; ensuring no fluid leakage and preventing accidental needle removal. Luer slip syringes are more convenient to use and require a simple push of the needle into the syringe and ready to go

We are manufacturers and suppliers of wholesale disposable Luer lock syringes. Sizes range from 2ml to 10ml. In addition, we offer customizable services. Siny Medical can meet your needs. If you are in need of disposable Luer lock syringe manufacturers and suppliers, please contact us.

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Ningbo Siny Medical Technology Co., Ltd , https://www.sinymedical.com