Indian doctors complete surgery with Google Glass

India has become one of the ideal places for Google to wear computer equipment. Recently, a surgeon in India performed surgery on patients in the Indian village, and with the help of Google Glass, the surgery was completed more smoothly.

India may be another good place for Google Glass to show its value. Recently, a surgeon in India completed the surgery in the Indian village and completed it more smoothly with the help of Google Glass. surgery.

On Thursday, a doctor in India, JS Rajkumar, completed two operations in a hospital in Chennai, southeastern India. The two operations were done by Raja Kumar wearing Google glasses. Google Glass uses a small voice-activated Wi-Fi technology that doctors can use to bring their glasses to the face during surgery to better perform the surgery.

Rajakuma said that although Google Glass has not been listed on a large scale, it may have created a miracle in the Indian market. Rajapaku said that in India, about 85% of surgical operations occur in rural areas and small towns. Surgeons in these areas often require expert guidance to complete complex and emergency operations, so with the help of Google Glass. Senior surgeons in Chennai, Delhi or Hyderabad will be better able to guide village doctors in performing surgery on patients. From this perspective, the influence of Google Glass in the Indian market will be very huge.

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