Winter Broad bean Disease Prevention and Control

Its main diseases are:
Root rot. Is a fungal disease, after onset, the most obvious feature is that the leaf margins of the lower leaves of the plant become black, when the whole leaf becomes dark and scorch, the yield of broad beans can be reduced by 30% to 50%. In terms of prevention and control, if the disease has already occurred, it can be timely mixed with phosphorous and potassium fertilizers or a ditch for burying in ash manure, and use 50% carbendazim or 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000-times liquid leaching, which has a good control effect. .
Red spot disease. In the early stage of disease, small red spots appear on the leaves, and then gradually expand into round red spots. In warm and humid winter and spring, the lesions expand rapidly, the diseased leaves become withered, and finally die. Prevention and treatment of the disease should be taken to prevent the disease by taking rotations, draining water, adding phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, or using tree ash, fire and earth ash. Chemical control can be sprayed with 50% carbendazim 100 g or 70% thiophanate-methyl 70-g water 50 kg.
Rust. In winter and spring, the disease is more severe in warm and humid weather. First invade the old leaves of the base, and then invade the stems and calyx of the young leaves. After onset, it is generally possible to reduce the production of broad beans by 10% to 20%. The young pods become black and partially rot after being damaged. It is difficult to sell fresh broad beans, affecting the yield and affecting quality. The prevention and treatment should promptly remove the burned diseased plants and use Triadimem 600-800. The liquid is sprayed at the early stage of disease, and the effect is best when it is controlled 1-2 times. Combined with the removal of the top heart of the broad bean, it can promote the growth of more beans.
In addition, there is a blight of dead stem disease, which is a physiological disease caused by waterlogging. There is more rain in spring, especially in the case of faba bean flowering and podging. In case of rainy weather, poor drainage leads to root rot. Attention should be paid to clearing gutter drainage in order to reduce rhizosphere water damage.

Manual Operating Table

This operation manual table is widely used in operating rooms in hospital and clinics. The manual Operating Table is suitable for surgery operations on body parts head, neck, chest, abdominal cavity, perineum and extremities.  And for wide general surgeries, obstetrics and gynecology, ENT, orthopedics and other surgical use. 

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Matrial of the whole structure is stainless steel.




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Shangdong province is the main machinery production base in China. 

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Manual Operating Table

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Shandong Kang'erjian Medical Technology Ltd. ,