(1) Selection of bulbs
The bulbs used to produce cut flowers require robust and disease-free, bright color, and full shoots. The diameter of the bulb is 3 to 5 cm in diameter. If the bulb is too small, it will bloom less or not. The quality of the bulb with the same thickness and width is better.
(2) Variety selection
Should be selected strong disease resistance, beautiful flower color, flower color change is not sensitive to light, cut flower production, in the market occupies a large proportion of varieties.
(3) Pretreatment of bulbs
The colored calla bulbs are treated with gibberellin to promote flowering and increase cut flower yield. Generally, it is used to soak the gibberellin solution with a concentration of 25-50 mg/L for 10-15 minutes before planting. The time is too long and the concentration is too large, which can easily cause malformed flowers, and can also lead to delicate flowering branches.
(4) Selection of cultivation environment
Colored calla lilies are warm, moist, and shaded and are not cold tolerant. The optimum temperature during the growth period is 15 to 24°C during the day, and the nighttime temperature is not lower than 12°C. High temperatures above 30°C can easily cause the prevalence of soft rot. The cultivation environment should be kept well-ventilated and moderately shady. The cultivation site should be suitable for sandy soils with high topography, good drainage conditions, rich organic matter, and pH of 7, and be applied with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and large amounts of decomposed organic fertilizers. .