Whether drinking red wine can lose weight Many sisters will be concerned about this. Many people have a habit of eating a small cup before going to bed. As long as they do not have a lot of benefits for physical health, they can not only achieve relaxation, protect the heart, but also lose weight. And enhance memory and other multiple effects, but although many benefits are not suitable for patients with heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc., 100 ml -300 ml per day is a relatively healthy amount of drinking.
Drinking red wine helps slimming
Purdue University research found that red wine contains piceatannol that blocks the genes that form fat cells to achieve a slimming effect.
Drink red wine to relieve emotions
Studies have shown that moderate amounts of red wine (100CC-300CC) are less likely to have depression, while those who drink too much are prone to depression.
Drinking red wine promotes intestinal health
Studies have shown that drinking red wine can increase beneficial bacteria in the gut and help digestion.
Drinking red wine is good for heart health
The "flavonoids" in red wine can reduce the "low density cholesterol" (LDL) that is harmful to heart health, and can also increase healthy "high density cholesterol" (HDL).
Among the wine grape varieties, there are also differences in the content of "flavonoids". The highest content is Cabernet Sauvignon (also known as "Cabernet"), followed by Petite Sirah. And Pinot noir, Dijon is Merlot and Zinfandel.
Drinking red wine enhances memory
Like tea, nuts, berries and cocoa all contain polyphenols, red wine polyphenols can help enhance memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
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