US researchers successfully designed artificial power cells

Release date: 2008-10-24

Researchers at Yale University in the United States have successfully designed artificial cells with extraordinary power generation capabilities that are expected to be used in the future to power tiny medical devices transplanted into the human body.
It is reported that the researchers' research inspiration originated from the power generation cells that can generate energy in the electric raft. Electrophoresis is the conversion of chemical energy obtained from food into electrical energy. There are thousands of cells in the body, with a maximum voltage of 600 volts. The researchers envisioned the possibility of designing artificial power cells as potential sources of power.
The researchers designed artificial cells that mimic the power generation of power cells. The model they built showed that artificial cells generated 28% more electricity than electric power cells, while chemical energy was converted to electrical energy by 38%. It is possible to use dozens of human cells to make thin micro-biobatteries and use them to drive tiny devices that are transplanted into the human body. Xu Jian, a principal participant in the study, said: "We wanted to see if natural cells have achieved maximum energy output and energy conversion efficiency. But it turns out that artificial cells can actually surpass natural cells, which is really surprising. ."
Although the researchers have now designed artificial cells, there is still a considerable distance from the actual artificial cell construction. One of the more critical problems is the source of power that artificial cells need before they generate electricity. Researchers envision that these artificial cells can be powered in a way similar to natural cells, such as allowing bacteria to regenerate batteries using blood glucose recycling ATP. With the power, artificial cells may one day replace batteries to drive tiny devices transplanted into the human body. Xu Jian said that the advantage of a bio-battery made up of artificial cells is that it does not leave harmful substances in the human body after it fails. It is like any other cell in the body. ——Shanghai Medical Device Industry Association

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