1 mint whole plant: fresh pepper harvested immediately after exposure, to 7 to 8 into dry, tie into a small handle, continue to dry, be careful not to rain or night exposed, to prevent mildew. It is better to have dry leaves, light green leaves, purple brown or light green stems, and rich aroma. The average yield per hectare is more than 3,000 kg of whole plant. 2 peppermint oil: rural areas can be extracted by steam distillation. Distillation equipment consists of three main components: distiller, condenser, and oil-water separator. After the plants are cut off, the lower part of the natural defoliation (leafless stems) is scraped off and then spread out in the field until it is half-dried and then distilled. This can reduce the number of distillations, save fuel and labor, and enable The speed of the oil is fast, shortening the distillation time. Production areas use direct fire atmospheric water distillation. The operating procedure is: Before distillation, various parts of the distillation equipment should be inspected and cleaned, and then steamed (the kettle only adds water without adding raw materials) for about 1 hour to remove the residual odor. Pot add water to about 20 cm from the steaming pad. The sun dried ingredients are evenly put into the pot, the middle is moderately tight, the surrounding is pressed appropriately, and the top is round-headed. Cover with a lid, fill the water seal tank at the joint, fill the condensate tank with water, and place a water-oil separator. Burning fire (also steam) can make the water in the pan boil as soon as possible, and when most of the oil outlets of the condenser are out of the oil-water mixture, the heat source is kept steady (usually the flow rate of 1 cubic meter per minute is more than 1000 milliliters). The effluent temperature is 36-40°C. Distillation end point: generally 1.5 to 2 hours per pot distillation, the effluent liquid clarification, the oil is extremely small (like the size of sesame) when the end of the distillation, stop the fire (or turn off the steam), out of the oil. The oil yield of the aerial parts (stems, branches, leaves, and inflorescences) of mint is from 0.5% to 0.6%. The essential oil obtained by water distillation is called mint oil, and the crude oil is frozen, crystallized, separated, dried and refined. The colorless and transparent columnar crystal of levomenthol (commonly known as menthol), the mint oil left after extracting part of the levomenthol is mint oil (also known as mint naphtha). Generally 100 kilograms of peppermint stems and leaves, can be about 1 kilogram of oil. In colorless or light yellow, clear oily liquid, a lot of colorless crystals precipitate at a slightly lower temperature, and there is a strong mint aroma. 3 Menthol: Place peppermint oil in the iron bucket and bury it in ice cubes (ice cubes are made of water with 1% salt) to reduce the temperature to below 0°C. Peppermint oil will be crystallized into menthol and then dried. That is, menthol crude products. Peppermint oil contains about 80% of menthol. (Source: China Sannong.com)
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