1, milk
Half a catty of milk, containing 300 mg of calcium, also contains a variety of amino acids, lactic acid, minerals and vitamins to promote the digestion and absorption of calcium. And the calcium in the human body is easier to absorb. Therefore, milk should be used as the main food for daily calcium supplementation. Other milk products such as yogurt, cheese and milk tablets are good sources of calcium.
2, soy products
Soybeans are high-protein foods and have high calcium content. 500 grams of soy milk contains 120 mg of calcium, 150 grams of tofu contains up to 500 milligrams of calcium, and other soy products are good for calcium supplements. In addition, experts from Changchun Orthopedics Hospital reminded you that soymilk must be boiled for 7 times before it can be eaten. Tofu is not eaten with some vegetables, such as spinach. Spinach contains oxalic acid, which can be combined with calcium to form calcium oxalate conjugates, which hinders the body's absorption of calcium, so tofu and other soy products should not be cooked with spinach. However, if soy products are cooked with meat, they will be delicious and nutritious.
3, kelp and shrimp
Kelp and dried small shrimps are high-calcium marine products. If you eat 25 grams each day, you can add 300 milligrams of calcium. And they also reduce blood lipids and prevent atherosclerosis.
Kelp and meat cook or cooked cold, are good food. The calcium content in the shrimp skin is even higher. 25 grams of dried shrimp contains 500 milligrams of calcium. Therefore, it is a good choice for daily calcium supplements to use soup or soup for shrimp meal.
4, animal bones
More than 80% of animal bones are calcium, but they are insoluble in water and difficult to absorb. Therefore, they can be crushed in advance when they are made into food. When you eat, remove slicks and put some vegetables to make a delicious soup.
Friendly reminder: Fish bones can also be used for calcium supplementation, but care should be taken to choose the right approach. Dry fried fish and crispy fish can make fish bones soft, more convenient for calcium absorption, and can be eaten directly.
5, vegetables
There are also many high-calcium varieties in vegetables. 100 grams of calcium in the soup contains 230 milligrams of calcium; cabbage, canola, fennel, wolfberry, celery and other calcium content is also about 150 milligrams per 100 grams.
Old man calcium recommended recipes
Fried shrimp: Shrimp 50 grams, bubble after washing; 250 grams of leeks, washed and cut into sections, stir-fry in the pan and stir fry for a few minutes. Add the shrimps to the stir-fry, add salt, cooking wine, and ginger. After adding shrimp, stir fry and add salt to taste.
Milk egg yellow soup: mix 5 egg yolks, 25 g of flour, 50 g of cooked pork, 100 g of cooked chicken, chicken soup 500 g, a little salt. 25 grams of flour, fried with cooked pork batter; chicken soup rolled into the oil to disperse dissolved, add milk, iodized salt, monosodium glutamate; then the soup pot set the fire and put the egg yolk into the pot, and the other chicken pieces loaded 4 bowls, Sheng Tang, you can take it 4 times.
COVID-19 Antigen Combo Rapid Test Range
DNA/RNA Extraction Kit is applicable for extracting highly pure viral nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) using magnetic bead purification technology. Samples can be blood, serum, plasma, human nasopharyngeal swabs, sputum, broncho lavage fluid and alveolar lavage fluid.
COVID-19 Antigen Combo Rapid Test Range