Stomach rot disease symptoms and treatment measures

One, sea cucumber stomach stomach disease manifestations:

Sea cucumber larvae have thicker and rougher stomach walls, and the surrounding boundaries of the stomach become blurred, which in turn causes the atrophy to become smaller and deform. In severe cases, erosion occurs throughout the stomach wall, eventually leading to the death of larvae.

The diseased larvae had decreased feeding capacity or no feeding, stunting, irregular sizes, and low metamorphosis rates from ear larvae to larvae.

Second, prevention and control measures:

On the one hand feeding fresh palatability bait, such as Chaetoceros, D. salina or marine yeast, to meet the needs of larval development and growth

On the other hand, appropriate increase in the amount of water exchange, reduce the number of bacteria in the water, with the use of furan antibiotics 3l0-6-510-6 medicinal bath has a good effect.

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