Self-test how much carbohydrate to eat
October 28, 2016 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Geneticist Sharon Mualim wrote in an article to the British "Daily Mail" that each person has different ability to digest carbohydrates, which is related to the salivary starch digestive enzyme AMY1 gene in the body. The more you carry this gene, the stronger your ability to break down carbohydrates.
How do you know how many AMY1 you have? In fact, there is a simple way to self-test. You only need to prepare some crackers without salt, a timer and a pen. First of all, try to sip a little bit of water in your mouth, then put the biscuits in your mouth, count while chewing, and count the time when you feel sweet. Tested three times in a row and averaged. According to the calorie intake of 2000 calories per day, if you can taste the sweetness within 14 seconds, then you can take more than AMY1, you can eat 250 grams of carbohydrates per day; if you taste sweetness in 15 to 30 seconds, you can eat every day. 175 grams; if you can taste the sweetness for more than 30 seconds, you should pay attention to it. You can only eat 125 grams per day. If you eat too much, it will become fat.
Nuts are a group of cleistoses that have a hard skin and contain a single seed. It is the essence of plants, rich in nutrition, containing higher minerals, vitamins, oil and protein, eating more can promote growth and development, increase physical fitness. Common nuts include walnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, pistachio nuts and so on.
Nuts, Almonds,Walnuts,Pistachio nuts,Macadamia nuts
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