Salvia miltiorrhiza

Alias: Grass

Morphological characteristics:

40-80 cm high or over, the whole plant densely yellow-white pilose and glandular hairs; root meat, cylindrical, vermillion red; stem square. Leaves opposite, usually odd-pinnate; leaflets 3 to 5, rarely 7, ovate or elliptic-ovate, 1.5 to 7 cm long or over, both surfaces pilose. Umbrella inflorescence consisting of terminal or axillary racemes, densely glandular hairy and pilose; flowers open in summer, purple-blue; sepals lanceolate, cloret hairs; calyx campanulate, ca. 1.1 cm, 11-veined , glandular hairs and villous, upper lip triangle, the top three small teeth close to each other; corolla obvious two-lipped, 2 to 2.7 cm long, there is a tilted hairy ring in the crown, the lower lip in the flat heart-shaped lobes; The stamen has a 17-20 mm long septum, its lower arm is short and thick, it is only about 3 mm long, and the top is connected. Nutlets oval, black.

Growth habits:

Born on a hillside, under a forest or on a stream. China's northeast, north China, east China and Shaanxi are wild, and other provinces and regions are often cultivated. Japan also has.

Harvesting processing:

In the spring and autumn, the roots are excavated and the sediment is removed and dried.

Medicinal properties:

The rhizomes of this product are short and thick, and the top sometimes has residual stem bases; several roots, long cylindrical, slightly curved, 8 to 25 centimeters long, 0.3 to 1 centimeter in diameter, reddish brown or dark brown red, rough, with longitudinal wrinkles. The roots of the old roots are loose and mostly purple-brown, and often scales fall off. Hard and brittle, cross-section loose, flat or cracked, red brown skin, gray or yellow-brown wood, visible small yellow-white pinhole vascular bundles arranged radially. Gas micro, slightly bitter taste. It is better to use thick roots, strong knots, and fewer fibers.

Taste and function:

Bitter, slightly cold. Return to heart and liver.祛瘀 祛瘀 祛瘀 痛 , , , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。. For irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, phlegm accumulation, chest and abdomen tingling, upset sleepless, sore swollen poison, ectopic pregnancy, hepatosplenomegaly, angina. The usual amount is 9-15 grams.


The medicinal properties of the Salvia miltiorrhiza cultivars are more sturdy, with finer wrinkles and tighter skin than the wild ones. It is not easy to peel off; it is solid, with a smooth section and a slightly horny appearance.

Salvia miltiorrhiza is not only proven to be as effective as western medicine in reducing the area of ​​myocardial infarction, but also more effective in reducing “oxidative fatigue”.

Traditional herbs are often considered by some to be inconsistent with scientific medical treatment, and doubts about herbal folk treatments.

Chinese herbalists generally believe that Salvia miltiorrhiza can prevent blood stasis and myocardial infarction, but the actual medical research is not much. Dr. Zhu Yizheng, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, for this reason, decided to study Salvia miltiorrhiza in a way that studies Western medicine and scientifically prove the efficacy of Salvia miltiorrhiza.

His study concluded that Salvia miltiorrhiza is as effective and less effective than ramipril in reducing the size of infarcts compared to Ramipril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor favored by Western medicine. Oxidative stress (commonly known as "oxidative fatigue") is more effective than ramipril.

Myocardial infarction is an acute cardiovascular disease that can lead to heart rupture, arterial embolism, cardiac papillary muscle dysfunction or rupture, pericarditis, pleurisy, pneumonia, etc. Failure to save will result in death. The benefit of reducing the area of ​​myocardial infarction is to improve the survival rate after myocardial infarction and reduce the heart load.

The so-called oxidative fatigue, refers to the chemical factors and environmental factors caused by immune stress, resulting in increased body nitric oxide (or free radicals), resulting in DNA damage, promote tumor growth, cardiovascular disease or cell apoptosis. Oxidative fatigue may even lead to neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

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