Postpartum drink cock soup or hen soup

On the second day after giving birth, Ms. Zhang ate the soup that the family had tried every means to bring from the countryside to the hens. For the next two days, Ms. Zhang continued to drink hen soup. After the three hens had eaten, the breasts that had filled with milk had slowly begun to dry. It turns out that drinking hen soup too early after delivery is one of the important causes of maternal milk, lack of milk, or returning milk.

For a long time, Chinese folks have traditional eating habits of drinking old hen soup after pregnant women are born. It is believed that drinking hen soup after childbirth can make up body and milk. However, after delivery, maternal blood estrogen levels are greatly reduced, and then prolactin will play a role in promoting milk secretion. The hen's body contains a certain amount of estrogen. Therefore, if you drink hen soup too early after delivery, it will enhance the role of estrogen in the blood, weaken the role of prolactin, or even disappear, resulting in insufficient or no milk secretion milk.

Postpartum is not unable to eat hens. In the postpartum period when milk secretion is relatively normal and sufficient, you can still eat hens. However, as far as lactation is concerned, the traditional concept of hen soup is actually inferior to rooster soup. The androgen contained in the rooster has an anti-estrogen effect. The rooster testosterone also contains a small amount of androgens. Therefore, if the obstetrician postpartum eats a large roasting cock and eats it together with the testicles, it will undoubtedly increase the milk, which can potentially promote the baby's health. And the cock contains less fat than the hen, and it is not easy to cause weight gain. The baby will not cause indigestion and diarrhea because of the high fat content in the breast milk. Therefore, eating cocks after delivery can benefit both mother and baby.

Maternal drinking cock soup is stressful. First of all, to minimize the fat in the soup, you can choose to peel the rooster or dip when the soup slick. Because the high fat content will affect the appetite of pregnant women, it is also easy to cause blocked breast ducts.

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