The sales price of Astragalus membranaceus is higher in winter and lower in other seasons. The collection of wild astragalus from other seasons to be sold in winter is very lucrative. On the one hand, it is to earn a seasonal difference on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is to earn profits through artificial fast fattening. Most of the farmers now buy and raise fish in the first half of each year. In areas where aquaculture is relatively large, there has been a phenomenon of robbing seedlings, resulting in the increase in the purchase price of wild squid, and the seasonal difference in the prices of scutellaria baicalensis becoming smaller and smaller. Earning profits, resulting in reduced aquaculture benefits. After the rice is harvested each year, the number of wild locusts captured increases and the selling price is lower. At this time, large numbers of hawks and hawks are purchased. In the winter, the larger-sized oysters are marketed and the smaller sized oysters are farmed in the second year to ease the year ahead. The tense situation in the seedlings can also make more lucrative profits.
How to do a good job in the maintenance of wild astragalus and measure the fineness of wild salmon is an important factor limiting the current cultivation. The excellent and intuitive judgment accuracy of wild squid is not high, and it is important to grasp the collection process. The proper handling of the squid collection process is directly related to the survival rate of the squid in the pool, and it is also one of the factors for the success of the cultivation. Many farmers have a superficial understanding of the process of collection, storage, transportation, drug treatment, and down-counting of wild jaundice. They intuitively think that jaundice has a strong vitality and makes mistaken collection and treatment, which in turn causes the cultivation to fail at the beginning. This situation was extremely common in the past. Farmers need to grasp the several links of collecting and transporting, grading and selecting seedlings, and observing and preventing disease according to the special life activities and physiological phenomena of the Astragalus, in order to ensure the safety and success of cultivating Astragalus.
A collection and transportation.
The wild jaundice suitable for rearing are in order of cage trapping, grass trapping, electric trapping, and manual trapping of squid. Fishing and catching can not be used. Usually choose their own fishing carp; near the catcher catch carp, small field town acquisition of carp freshwater carp sold by the fishermen are a better way, we must not find the eel eel to buy carp. The acquisition of Astragalus can contact some catchers in the village and teach them how to store the Astragalus: use a large basin or use a brick to build a simple brick pool in the room, and use a plastic membrane to cover the bottom, and then put 3-5 cm of water in advance. And put water hyacinth or water peanuts and other plants, put the trapped oysters into the basin or brick pool and change the water once a day (change the water temperature does not exceed 3 °C). It is better to use the above method to store for several days and then purchase it for breeding.
The seedlings should be transported with looser containers (such as bamboo baskets) and put appropriate amount of water and soft grass. If the transport time is longer, the water should be changed in the middle, and the transport process should avoid bumps to avoid stress.
Second grade and selection
The seedlings are transported back and replaced immediately. The ratio of the amount of yellow cockroaches to the amount of water exchanged should be 1:4 or more. The water temperature should be changed to avoid excessive temperature difference (The water temperature does not exceed 3°C. Generally, the water temperature on both sides cannot be felt. There is a difference.) Place the sizing screen in a slightly larger pot, then pour the pot and water into the grading screen, and gently smash the scutellariae to sifted by hand. Smaller saggers will drill the sizing screen. During the grading process, if there are body scars, lesions, mucous shedding, parasites, fleas, cephalic bleeding, mouth-piercing and inflammation of the oral cavity; caudal, tail ulceration, tail bleeding, tail with and The tail is black and soft; the anus is red and swollen; the protrusions are bleeding; the color is dark and the water is red; the eyelids (the white eyes cover the eyes); the electric parts of the body have electric shocks;é³ , 用手 用手 用手 用手 用手 用手 用手 用手 用手 用手 用手 用手 用手 , , ,.
Three observe disease prevention treatment
The returning squid was put into Dianchi Lake directly after grading and seedling selection. After 1-2 hours in the pool, it was splashed with Quanbao Antivirus Vanguard and spilled once every 10 days or so. The first 2-4 days morning with "Banbao rotten skin bleeding" Quanchiposa ("Minbao rotten skin bleeding" half an hour earlier soaked in warm water soaking), once a day. Yellow locust should be fed in the evening on the day of pooling. The initial feed should include: quail, fly maggot, liver, fish, river fleas, or snail meat. One or more of these must be used. At the same time, “Zibao Rotten Bleeding Sanitizerâ€, “Saibao Virus Clear†and various vitamins were added to the feed (for three consecutive days). Use a special adhesive to adhere the drug to the bait. The dosage is 0.5-1% of the body weight of Astragalus. Gradually increase the feeding amount on the second day. The bait can be directly placed on the surface of the grass area. The cement pool can also directly feed the feed. To the waterless grass in the pool, try to set as many feeding points as possible. When the quail eats normally, it is started to be fed with "Salmonella gills" and used for 3-5 days.
During the observation period, Dianchi Lake should cover the shade net to create a dark environment. When water quality changes are found, the water should be replaced in time to keep the water fresh and maintain a suitable water level to achieve a stable water temperature. After the purchased Astragalus membranaceus has been observed and cultured for 15-30 days, the unstable and unhealthy conditions of the carp may be solved and then transferred to a fattening pond for fattening. When the water temperature drops below 10°C at the end of autumn, the yellow locust gradually enters hibernation, and when the market price of scutellaria baicalensis is higher, large-sized oysters are fished out for sale, and the smaller-sized quail is kept alive for the second year.
Goji Berry, also know as Wolfberry, is the fruit of Lycium Barbarum, which belongs to the Chinese Raw Herbs and Superfoods. Its origin is Northwestern China in today`s Ningxia Province. Because of Ningxia`s highly alkaline soil, intense sunlight, large day and night temperature differenential, low precipitation, and good irrigation condition, compare to other species, Ningxia goji berry are brighter red and are more lusterous. They have a thinner peel, more fruit, less seeds, higher sugar content, and contain more nutrients. Thus, Ningxia sun Dried Goji Berries are regarded as the perfect health product gift. They enjoy an outstanding reputation inside and outside of China.
Our Sun dried goji berries are a common fruit of the people who inhabit this part of the world. These berries when ingested by humans have been proven to have many wonderful health advantages, some of which include the prevention of eye disorders, cancer preventative qualities and longevity of life. Dried Goji berries contain significant amounts of macronutrients, namely, carbohydrates, proteins, fat and dietary fiber. Carbohydrate forms up to 68% of the mass of the dried Goji berry, with around 12% protein, and 10% fiber and fat. The total caloric value in a 100 gram serving is around 370 (kilo) calories.And the Goji berry main use is in Snack food, Chinese cooking, Traditional Chinese Medicine, used like raisins in Western baking and cooking.
Ningxia Pure Biology Technology Co.,Ltd (PURE Biotechnology) is located in Ningxia,China. It enjoys Ningxia`s aforementioned natural resource`s, and is committed to developing a complete goji product line, upgrading the quality of goji berry products, creating an integrated goji supply chain, and make a significant contribution to mankind by developing the Chinese Herbal Medicine industry.
Goji Berry
Goji Berry Plant,Dried Goji Berries,Goji Berries Nutrition,Goji Fruit
Ningxia Pure Biology Technology Co., Ltd. ,