1, adjust the sowing time of open-cultivated watermelon, according to local climatic conditions, appropriate advance or postponed sowing, so seated melon period to avoid the rainy season, in order to facilitate pollination and fertilization, thereby improving the seat rate.
2. Artificially assisted pollination During the opening of the second and third female flowers of the main vine, during the flowering period, the male flower is stripped and the petal is used to gently apply the stigma of the female stigma. On rainy days, the female flower is protected by a small plastic tube or paper bag before opening. Rain, artificial pollination. According to experiments, artificially-assisted pollination can improve the rate of seated cucumbers by more than 10% when it is sunny without wind, and it can increase the rate of seated cucumbers by more than one time during rainy days.
3, the packing is also called pan rooting, its approach is: in the watermelon grows to 4-5 true leaves, there is no growth, with a melon shovel 13 cm away from the melon root straight down, deeper The better; you can also use iron shovels and plows to deepen, but be careful not to damage the main root. This is not to turn the soil up but to loosen the soil. The purpose is not only to protect the soil but also to cut off the lateral roots. In this way, the vegetative growth of the plant can be inhibited, the leggy and stem vines can be prevented from being slender, the fibrous roots can grow robustly, and a large root system can be formed, which is conducive to flowering and sitting on the melon.
4. The root is also called rooting water. Its practice is: when the second and third female flowers of watermelon appear, two 17-centimeter long wooden sticks are used to fry over the pan, and then the roots of the melon are off the ground. The high places are clipped; the degree of the clips is flat with melon roots, but the lines are better. In the future, it forms a skeleton in the folder. Not only does the melon sit steadily, it also grows.
5, pinch stems in the back of the young melon vine on a pinch force, I heard "cough" sound, so that young melons can sit steadily, prevent melons; melon crickets "back cough, before sitting melon" is This truth.
6, the application of gibberellic acid gibberellin is a high-performance plant growth hormone, applied on watermelons, can promote the growth and development of seedlings, reduce flowering, accelerate the expansion of young melons, thereby increasing production. Application method: 1 dressing. When conventionally treated seeds are about to expose the buds by breaking the shell, a 20-ppm gibberellin solution is uniformly sprayed on the melon seeds using a sprayer; typically, about 20 ml of the gibberellin solution is used per kilogram of melon seed. 2 Soaking. Soak melon seeds in 20ppm gibberellin solution for 12-24 hours, remove and germinate. 3 Foliar application using a 15 ppm gibberellin solution. 4 Apply a 20 ppm gibberellin solution to the female stigma.
7, the application of watermelon watermelon melon is based on trace elements boron, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt-based, with the appropriate nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other nutrients for a new type of watermelon special liquid concentrate compound fertilizer. After the application of watermelon, the emergence period can be advanced by 1 day, the emergence rate can be increased by 10%, the fruit setting rate can be increased by 7.7-10.1%, the yield can be increased by 6.5-21%, and the sweetness can be increased by 0.69 degrees. Application method: First, use 300 to 500 times the watermelon seed soaking for 12 hours; the second is to use 200-300 times watermelon nutritious watermelon seedling stage, watermelon stage and swollen leaf stage spray, seedling mu spray 40 kg , Zugua period and swelling period of 50-75 kg per mu.
8, spraying cytokinin The use of "5406" antibiotics by industrial fermentation of plant cytokinins extracted, can promote the formation of chlorophyll and protein synthesis, improve the plant's photosynthesis and stress resistance. The application of watermelon can increase the rate of seated cucumber by 19.5%, increase the sugar content by 0.5-2 degrees, and increase production by 28.6%. It also has the functions of reducing diseases and promoting premature maturity. Application method: The main use of foliar spray, from the melon vines to the 7-8 season began, with 600-800 times the liquid spray every 7-12 days, a total of 3 to 4 times.
9. The spraying of rare earth rare earth is also called rare earth fertilizer or rare earth nitrate, and the trade name is Changle phytosantin, which is a new type of rare earth element fertilizer firstly promoted by China. Applying on watermelon can increase the proportion of cucumbers by 17-30%, increase the weight of single fruit by 0.2-0.8 kg, increase the content of solids in fruits by 1.3-3.7%, increase sugar content by 0.6-1.7%, and increase production by 13.9%-34.9%. Up to 60.5%. Application method: mainly adopting foliar spraying, spraying a total of 3 times during the whole growth period, for the first time in the period of 5-6 leaves of watermelon, the spraying concentration is 0.03%, and the second and third time are during the initial flowering period and the swell During the period, the spraying concentration is 0.06-0.08%; if spraying only two times, it is best to carry out the initial flowering period and the swelling period. According to the study, the rare earths sprayed in the first two periods, the role of watermelons to improve the seat rate and single melon weight, the latter period to increase the main fruit sugar, so the spraying frequency should not be less than 2 times.
10. When female flowers of 2,4-D or naphthaleneacetic acid are initially applied, they are sprayed with l0ppm 2,4-D or lOOppm naphthaleneacetic acid solution, or smeared with female stigmas or receptacles with a brush to increase the rate of seated cucumbers.
HEBEI PINGLE FLOUR MACHINERY GROUP CO., LTD , https://www.plrollermill.com