How to solve the phenomenon of corn stalk

The formation of empty stalks. Excessive close planting causes malnutrition in the male and female ears of the corn; drought or lack of fertilizer before flowering; malnutrition caused by seedlings or seedlings after replanting and replanting, resulting in malnutrition.

Prevention. 1. Reasonably determine the planting density. Generally, late-maturing varieties have long growth period, tall plants, luxuriant stems and leaves, and can be appropriately planted; medium-maturing varieties can be appropriately dense; early-maturing varieties can be denser than medium-ripa varieties. For plots with poor soil fertility, water and fertilizer can not keep up with thinning, soil fertility is higher, and density can be appropriately dense.

2. Appropriate seedlings. In combination with the seedlings to eliminate weak seedlings, corn field management should highlight an "early" word and increase the number of management. Before the 3-leaf stage, the seedlings are started, and the seedlings are 3 to 4 times. Before the jointing, the seedlings are fixed. When the seedlings are fixed, they must stay strong and weak, so that the fields are balanced. For the lack of seedlings in the field, it is not advisable to use the methods of replanting and transplanting. A method of retaining two strains can be used.

3. Reasonable watering and fertilization. The heading period of corn heading is a vigorous period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth. In this period, a large amount of water and fertilizer are needed to meet the growth needs. If the fertilizer is not timely, the ear differentiation will not be developed, and the most likely to cause empty stalks. Therefore, when the weather is dry or there is a deficiency of fertilizer, water should be watered in time, and urea and other fertilizers should be applied. At the same time, spraying the strong spikes before the heading can activate the positive energy of plant ecological growth, broaden the path of plant conduits, and enhance the absorption of plants. Fertilizer strength, increase production and quality

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Vaccine For Prevention Of Rabies

Rabies vaccine is used in two ways. Rabies vaccine is given to persons who have been exposed (eg, by a bite, scratch, or lick) to an animal that is known, or thought, to have rabies. This is called post-exposure prophylaxis. Rabies vaccine may also be given ahead of time to persons who have a high risk of getting infected with rabies virus. These persons include veterinarians, animal handlers, or travelers who will spend more than 1 month in countries having a high rate of rabies infection, and persons who live, work, or take vacations in wild areas of the country where they are likely to come into contact with wild animals

Vaccine For Prevention Of Rabies,Human Rabies Vaccine Adjuvant,Human Rabies Shot Procedure,Rabies Immunity After Vaccination

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