Clinically, it is usually determined by measuring the temperature in the pig's rectum. Before measuring the body temperature, a 10- to 15-cm long string should be attached to the end of the veterinary thermometer, and a small iron clip should be attached to the other end of the string. When measuring the body temperature, the mercury column should be thrown below the 35°C scale line, and the thermometer should be disinfected with alcohol cotton balls and iodine tincture, coated with a little lubricant; one hand pulls the pig's tail, and the other hand thermometer sticks slightly back. The lateral direction is inserted into the anus, and the hair on the top of the pigtail is clamped with a small iron clamp to fix the thermometer. After 5 to 13 minutes, remove the warming needle, wipe it with an alcohol swab, and quickly read the measured body temperature. The normal body temperature of the pig is 38 to 39.5 °C. The normal body temperature of normal piglets is 0.5 °C higher than the normal body temperature of adult pigs, and the normal body temperature of pigs in early evening is 0.5 °C higher than the normal body temperature of morning pigs. The general hypothermia occurs during major bleeding, postpartum spasms, circulatory depletion, certain poisonings or dying periods; body temperature rises above the normal range and is more common in infectious diseases and certain inflammatory processes. The types of clinically diagnosed fever are mainly missed type. The difference in the body temperature of the sick pigs is within 1°C, and the duration of the hyperthermia is more than 3 days. The gap type, the fever of the sick pigs alternates with the period of no fever; relaxation Type, the difference in body temperature of sick pigs exceeds 1 °C, and falls beyond the normal body temperature range. It should be noted that the temperature of the body of a pig that has just been strenuously exercised should be properly rested before the temperature measurement is performed; when measuring the body temperature of a tame and temperamental pig, the back can be gently licked with a finger until the body is standing or lying quietly. After the ground, the thermometer is inserted into the rectum; for pigs with fierce or unrest, proper stability should be performed before temperature measurement; when measuring the body temperature of newborn piglets, the thermometer should not be inserted into the anus too deep, and the thermometer must be grasped by hand. The end is fixed.
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