Farmers' friends often have problems when using glyphosate herbicides. Representative problems include: First, glyphosate herbicides have good herbicidal efficacy but sometimes have very different efficacy at the time of use; second, how can they be effective? Give full play to the effects of glyphosate herbicides; third is the safety of crops when using glyphosate herbicides. Glyphosate, as a herbicide, is currently used in large quantities and has a good weed control effect. It is welcomed by farmers' friends, but it still requires a certain degree of technicality when it is used. It does not pay attention, and it is easy to have an adverse effect on production. It is worth causing everyone to Attention.
I. Why are there differences in efficacy when using glyphosate herbicides?
Glyphosate is an organic phosphine internal absorption type herbicide, also known as Roundup, Zhencao Ning. It is widely used in no-tillage chemical weeding and directional weeding in forests and orchards. It can kill all kinds of weeds growing on the ground, but it is not unearthed on the ground. Invalid grass. Glyphosate herbicides are effective against more than 40 families of weeds, including monocotyledonous, dicotyledonous, annual and perennial herbaceous weeds and shrubs, algae, and ferns. The inconsistency of weeding effects of glyphosate herbicides reflected by farmers' friends After our investigations and observations, there are no other reasons than the following: First, the effects of different farming methods will vary. Glyphosate herbicides are best used in no-till sowing. Spraying the crop 1-3 days before sowing, so as to sow seasonal crops can also be sown after spraying. Pre-sowing drugs do not have direct contact with the crop seeds because they do not affect the seed germination and seedling growth of the crop. Therefore, the effects of weed control and herbicide suppression are better than those of plowing. No-tillage does not turn the weed seeds in the soil layer into the top soil layer, so weed seeds are difficult to germinate. Once the crop grows and seals, weed seeds and seedlings cannot sprout due to no sunlight. Therefore, glyphosate herbicides are better than weeds for weed control. The second is the use of weeds at different growth stages, and there will be differences in efficacy. Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide that is transported internally. Therefore, weeds should be used when weeds thrive. The time is usually from March to October. In terms of botany characteristics, the best time for flowering before flowering should be used. In general, annual weeds have a height of about 15 cm, perennial weeds have a height of 30 cm, and 6-8 leaves are most suitable for spraying. Regardless of the growing period of weeds, blindly spraying and weeding after weeds ageing will of course not achieve the desired control effect. When weeding between crop lines, when the crop plants are high and there is a certain gap between the weeds, the effect is better and safer. At this time, when the glyphosate herbicide is used, the crop has already been aged due to the lower leaves, and the sensitivity to the drug is low and the conduction force is poor, so the influence of the drug on the crop is very small. Such as weeding between corn lines, after the shelf of beans, melons weeding and other lines can use this method. Third, there will be differences in the efficacy of spraying different concentrations. According to the survey, the concentration of pesticides used by farmers when using glyphosate is not as stringent as other pesticides, and the arbitrariness is greater. The phenomenon of increasing the dosage or reducing the dosage often occurs. The type of weed must be considered when determining the drug concentration. General grass weeds are more sensitive to glyphosate and can be killed by low-dose liquids, while increasing the concentration of broad-leaved weeds; high-concentrations are required for some weeds that reproduce perennial rhizomes. The weeds have a large leaf age and increased resistance to drugs, and the corresponding dosage should also be increased. Such as the control of weeds in the orchard, annual grass weeds can be used 10% glyphosate 500-700 grams of water 30-40 kg; control of annual broad-leaved weeds when the amount of liquid should be increased to 750-1000 grams; prevent perennial For vicious weeds, the dosage should be 1250-1500 g. However, when the drug is used in excess, it will rapidly kill the plant's conductive tissue, and it will not be conducive to drug absorption and reduce the efficacy. Therefore, in order to use drugs economically, the young grass should be killed at a lower concentration, and then after about 10 days, the corresponding concentration should be used again. Directional spraying of weeds.
Second, how to give full play to the weeding effect of glyphosate
First, the glyphosate liquid must be transported to the rhizome tissue of the weeds in large quantities to achieve the herbicidal effect. This requires weeds with more leaves. If the area of ​​weeds is small and the photosynthesis is not strong before use, the nutrients stored in the roots will be transmitted from the bottom upwards. At this time, the amount of medicinal liquid that flows down into the roots will be very small. To kill grass effect. In the middle and late stages of weed growth, photosynthesis is strong, and photosynthetic products are conducted from top to bottom. At this time, the effect of medication is best. Therefore, the most important use of glyphosate is to select the best period of use. For example, using glyphosate to control weeds in corn fields is best to have 2-3 pieces of old residual leaves in the lower part of the corn seedling height of 1.5 meters, and the best application is when the grass height has reached 10 cm. The second is to pay attention to environmental conditions. In the 24-25°C range, the absorption of glyphosate by weeds doubles as the temperature rises, so the high temperature of the atmosphere is better than when the temperature is low. High relative air humidity can prolong the wetting time of the liquid on the surface of the plant, which is conducive to the conduction of the drug. The low soil moisture content of the soil is not conducive to the metabolism of the plant, and thus is not conducive to the conduction of drugs in weeds, so the efficacy is also reduced. Once again, with respect to the problem of compounding glyphosate with other herbicides, some farmers want to eliminate various kinds of grass. In order to save labor, other herbicides are optionally added when using glyphosate, but the results are not as good as some herbicides. Can not be mixed with glyphosate, such as dimethyl tetrachlorm, Gramoxone and other fast-acting herbicides can not be used in combination with glyphosate, so as to avoid premature death of some parts of the weeds, lost to the glyphosate The internal absorption function of glyphosate reduces the killing effect of glyphosate on the roots of underground weeds. However, adding some plant growth regulators and adjuvants to glyphosate can increase the effectiveness of control. The fourth is to choose the best method of application. The use of glyphosate to control weeds is critical because the concentration of the glyphosate in a certain concentration range is higher, and the finer the droplets of the sprayer are, which is beneficial to the absorption of weeds. The greater the amount of the same amount, the better the herbicidal effect. Adding 0.1% detergent powder to glyphosate or adding 30 grams of diesel oil per acre can enhance the spreadability, permeability and adhesion of the drug and improve the control effect.
Third, pay attention to the safety of crops when using glyphosate
Glyphosate is a non-productive herbicide that can pose a safety hazard to crops if used improperly. Some farmers use glyphosate to weed their field ridges, often because of the drift of glyphosate, causing phytotoxicity to the next crop. After the farmers used them, they did not wash the sprayer as required. As a result, when other pesticides were sprayed, the residual glyphosate was sprayed on other crops to cause phytotoxicity. In the case of phytotoxicity on rice, light leaves chlorosis, causing serious growth disorders, severe or premature death, or earing, abnormal ear, causing loss of rice production.
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