Core Tip: Modern medicine divides the causes of insomnia into four major categories: physical, physical, mental, and drug causes. In the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment is mainly based on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Insomnia is a common disease in Chinese medicine. As early as two thousand years ago, a Chinese ancient medical book Neijing said that the disease was insomnia or sleepless. It can be seen that Chinese medicine is the first to recognize insomnia.
The cause of insomnia
Ancient Chinese doctors believe that causing insomnia is due to thinking about hurting the spleen and losing blood to the spleen. It can be seen that human blood deficiency, such as blood loss, chronic illness, old age and body malnutrition, and anemia are the main causes of insomnia. Also known as stomach irritability and sleepless, indicating that diet, indigestion, spleen and stomach damage, can also lead to insomnia.
Modern medicine divides the causes of insomnia into four categories
1, physical reasons: such as pain, cough, pruritus, cardiogenic or pulmonary asthma, vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, etc., can often lead to insomnia;
2. Physiological reasons: Insomnia can also occur due to changes in work and life such as driving, night shifts, and drinking tea and coffee.
3. Mental factors: Excitement and anxiety can cause insomnia;
4, drug reasons: Many drugs such as caffeine, ephedrine, isoproterenol, etc., can lead to insomnia.
Insomnia Therapy in Chinese and Western Medicine
In terms of treatment, Western medicine is mainly used for the treatment of primary diseases, and hypnotics are mainly used to treat them. However, long-term use of hypnotics will produce drug dependence, and it is only a rule of thumb.
In the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment is mainly based on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for the treatment of insomnia with traditional Chinese medicine for 2,000 years of clinical experience. Here is a recipe for treatment of insomnia in a Chinese medicine hospital in China. This party has the power to soothe the nerves. Its clinical curative effect is as follows: 40 cases of insomnia were treated. The result was completely cured in 34 cases and improved in 6 cases.
The composition of the prescription is as follows (decoction):
Night Cross Vine 1 Two Silkies 1
Mulberry Mule 5 money Xu Changqing 5 money
Suanzaoren 5 Qianbaiziren 5 Money
Schisandra 2 money Salvia 5 money
In the treatment of acupuncture, after many years of clinical practice experience, the use of combined acupuncture treatment of insomnia has a significant effect, some on the same day after the acupuncture treatment, the night of sleep as a baby is generally good to sleep. Its combination of treatment of insomnia points is distributed in five parts of the human body, such as the head's three-needle sleep, the ears of the four nerves. The sleeping point in the hand, the four sleeping points in the neck, and the second sleep in the foot.
Iridology Camera Health Analyzer
Iris Iriscope Iridology Camera:
Iris holographic diagnostics is a kind of knowledge that applies non-drug and natural therapy to analyze and care for the body by analyzing the iris and pupil to analyze and regulate the health condition of the body. In the field of health medicine, it is called non-invasive health testing and non-drug health intervention. It is a traditional clinical health medicine in Europe.
Iris Iriscope Iridology Camera System Functions:
1. Adjust brightness through either software or switch on handle line, delete the photos, and adjust the focus, quick fixed photos with white balance and high stability of colors. Connects directly with computer without outside power and easy to operate.
2. The software can save the client information and irises also the details of products that you recommend them. After taken the photos, you can analysis the irises and later compare the irises pictures when your client comes back to see their progress. Can print an analysis report. Save the photos according to the date & time you take the photos.3. This machine will help the client know his health condition, including the problem which you have had in the past. The Iridology will be your health counselor, tell you how to keep away from the illness.
Iris Iriscope Iridology Camera Specification:
* Nice appearance and innovative design
* LED illuminator around lens
* Imported lens with plated layer
* 12MP high resolution CCD sensor
* Special DSP image processor, Optical Image Stabilizer
* Single capture button and digital pause capture.
* Adjustable focus to give clear image.
* Auto white balance and contrast adjustment, Color Temperature Filter
* Compatible with iris lens, hair lens.
* Deliver clear and accurate images.
* Easy to operate.
* OS: Windows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7. Win8,win 10
What is the primary benefit of photo iridology?
Not only does it bring clues to your iridology analysis, but it helps to create a better connection with your patient. The patient, who`s naturally curious, is eager to see their own iris. With some simple explanations they can get a basic understanding of your analysis. The connection with your patient strengthens and their understanding of their process improves.
* Iris analysis system: international technology, unique functions.
* Iris analysis system is a medicinal tool that checks the body conditions and prevents diseases from occurring.
* We brought in the advanced iris analysis technology from Germany to lead people to discover sources of illness, and care the body health and spirit in anyways.
* The instrument can show the body conditions of customers and suggest customers the suitable health food, and the plans to care their bodies.
Iridology Camera,Usb Iridology Camera,Iriscope Iridology Camera,Iridology Camera Eye Iriscope
Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd. ,