Winter and spring gosling breeding technology

Winter and spring is the season to raise young geese. To maintain good goslings, you must master the following five points: 1. Choose healthy goslings Healthy and normal goslings display moderate weight, good yolk absorption, good umbilical contraction, standing after hair shafts, loud, bright hair, Lively, eyes bright and flexible. Those with poor hatching performance are lighter or heavier, with poor umbilical contraction, poor yolk absorption, and a large navel or nail umbilical cord with blood stains, weak and weak, called sharp and low, dry hair, and eyes without a god. These goslings are difficult to keep and should be eliminated. 2, control the temperature of the early hatching young goslings villi few, their own ability to regulate body temperature is poor, it is difficult to adapt to changes in the outside temperature, therefore, we must control the temperature. The winter and spring brooding temperature is generally controlled at 28°C to 30°C, and decreases by 1°C per day after 1 week. When the temperature drops to 16°C to 18°C, it can be raised at room temperature. 3, adjust the humidity Hull room humidity will affect the growth of goslings, and easy to cause disease; brood chamber is too dry and will make the water outside the body of the goslings through the respiratory excessive distribution, resulting in poor absorption of residual goose body yolk. The humidity in the brooding room is generally adjusted to 55% to 60%, and adjusted to 50% to 55% after 2 weeks of age, and the humidity is adjusted depending on the temperature. 4, pay attention to the method of eating start goslings 24 hours after hatching can eat. Drink water before eating, add a small amount of glucose or vitamins in drinking water to help clean up the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate meconium, and provide nutrition. Goslings are best eaten with half-cooked rice. After 5 days, a small amount of green material is added to the feed, preferably with fresh lettuce leaves cut into filaments. After the goslings feed, they sprinkle the feed on bamboo mats or plastic cloths to allow the geese to feed freely and feed them 6 to 8 times a day. 5, grazing leisurely 15 days of gosling feeding, daily grazing 2 times, early and late, each time 30 to 50 minutes; 15 days old geese are long-term grazing, daily grazing 5 to 8 hours . Grazing should be early returning to animal husbandry. The storm freezes, dewy days, rivers, forests, and fields with pesticides to prevent accidental loss. The geese less than 20 days of age splashed water 2 times, 30 to 60 minutes each time. 6, daily management, usually adhere to "with the geese raise", pay attention to the goose's diet, observe the state of the goose group, strictly according to size, strong and weak grouping, and manual preparation of feed to make up for lack of green material. Abnormal conditions were found, the causes were analyzed in time, and countermeasures were taken. 7. Pay attention to epidemic prevention work Winter and spring should pay special attention to epidemic prevention work. The goslings were hatched for 2 to 3 days. Each shot was injected with 0.5 ml serum of geese. Five days later, a 1:100 dilution of gosling geese vaccine was injected. After 2 weeks, goslings of 1:50 dilution were injected.瘟 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 The condition can also be injected once to kill the vaccine, to prevent the bird from defeating. Do a good job of disinfection during feeding.

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