Two storage methods for spinach

1. Frozen storage method: The gradually reduced temperature is used to gradually freeze the stored spinach, and freeze the frozen spinach until it is put on the market. The specific method is to wind the barriers, houses or walls on the north side of the shade to do the same direction with the wind barriers, deep and spinach high, will be bundled with pre-cooled spinach in the middle of the code along the two rows, the middle About 15cm gap, do not rely on too tight between the bundle to facilitate ventilation. Then cover the spinach with a layer of fine soil or fine sand, then gradually cool with the weather, and gradually cover the soil to maintain a frozen state, so as not to freeze deep. At the same time, dig one or several frozen trenches in the shade at the same time, and only two rows of spinach can be placed under the narrow groove without ventilating channels. Place a row of 8-12 rows of spinach underneath the wide groove and dig a depth of about 20cm. Connect the two ends to the ground's ventilation channel. Place the spinach roots down in the ditch and coat the straw with a layer of straw to facilitate moisturizing. When the weather is getting colder, the spinach lightly freezes and gradually covers the fine soil or fine sand as the temperature descends, keeping the temperature at -2-4°C in the ditch. Before going on the market, the spinach should be taken out and slowly thawed at about 2°C. In the frozen state, the spinach should be avoided during the handling process. 2. Bags with self-regulating cold-storage method: After the harvest, spinach is bundled into 0.5-1.0 kg spinach, and after precooling, it is put into a 0.06-0.08 mm thick, 11080 cm polyethylene film bag. The leaves are opposite and the roots are toward the ends of the bag. Each bag is about 15-20 kilograms. It is put on the cold dish rack and laid flat. The opening is pre-cooled for a day and night, and then it is fastened with a round rod with a diameter of about 2 cm. Pull out the round bar or loosen the bag to leave a larger gap in the bag. After the bag is put into the cold storage of -1 to 1°C, 90% to 95% relative humidity, the spinach spontaneously in the bag. The oxygen absorption and decarbonization of metabolic activities can gradually form a lower oxygen, higher carbon dioxide gas environment, and the internal humidity conditions are good, and can be preserved for 2-3 months with little loss.

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