Our body consists of seven major nutrients: water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and cellulose. All of the body's lesions are caused by different proportions of these seven nutrients. If we take care of their proportions, we can reduce the incidence of diseases. So what are the seven nutrients in the human body? Following the Xiaobian nutrition network Xiaobian I have a look!
The role of nutrient proteins
Protein is an indispensable substance for maintaining life. Human tissues and organs are composed of cells, and the main component of cell structure is proteins. The body's growth, tissue repair, regulation of biochemical reactions by various enzymes and hormones, composition of antibodies against disease, maintenance of osmotic pressure, and transmission of genetic information all play a role. Infants and young children (infant food) grow rapidly, and the protein requirement is higher than that of adults. The average daily need is more than 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Meat, eggs, milk and beans are rich in quality protein and must be provided daily. At the same time should pay attention to 1 with the principles of collocation, such as animal and plant food; multi-variety food mix. 2 The principle of provision is not excessive. Infants and young children (infant and child food) period of protein heat accounted for 12% to 14% of total calories is appropriate, too much will affect the normal function of the protein, resulting in protein consumption, affecting the body's nitrogen balance. 3 The principle of providing less is less. Too little protein supply can significantly affect the speed of growth and development, decrease in biochemical reactions, decline in disease resistance, and even lead to malnutrition. The result is not only the backwardness of growth, but also the mental retardation of the development of brain cells.
The role of nutrient fat
Fat is the main nutrient for storing and supplying energy. The calories per gram of fat are two times the weight of carbohydrates or protein. The body's cell membrane, nerve tissue and hormones are all inseparable from it. Fat also plays a role in keeping warmth and heat insulation; supporting the protection of internal organs, joints and various tissues; and promoting the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Babies need 4 grams of fat per kilogram of body weight every day. Animal and plant-derived fats are essential for the human body and should be provided in combination with it. Daily fat heating should account for 20% to 25% of the total calories.
Nutrient hydration
Carbohydrates are the main nutrients that provide energy for life activities. They are widely found in rice, noodles, potatoes, beans, and various grains. They are the most important and most economical food for humans. The daily calorie provided by this type of food should account for 60% to 65% of the total calories. Any carbohydrates in the body undergo biochemical reactions and eventually decompose into sugars. Therefore, they are also known as sugars. In addition to energy, it also promotes the metabolism of other nutrients, and combines with proteins and fats to form glycoproteins, glycolipids, and constitutes substances with important functions such as antibodies, enzymes, hormones, cell membranes, nerve tissues, and ribonucleic acids. The importance of this kind of food is self-evident, but it also needs to remind parents not to overheat the rice flour too early. Too much sugar is added to children’s foods, which can lead to obesity and can cause the child to suffer from health problems in the future.
The role of nutrient vitamins
Vitamins play an important role in maintaining human growth and development and physiological functions, and they can promote enzyme activity or be one of the coenzymes. Vitamins can be divided into two categories. One is fat-soluble vitamins, including Vit. A, D, E, and K. These can be stored in the body and need not be provided daily, but excessive amounts can cause poisoning. The other type is water-soluble vitamins. Vit. B and C, etc., which account for the majority of them are not stored in the body, need to be provided daily from food, because the metabolism is not easy to poison. Vitamins A, D, B, C, E, K, folic acid (folic acid foods) ... each one of their duties and indispensable, so to provide children with fresh vegetables (vegetable foods), fruits (fruits), liver, egg yolks, It is particularly necessary to properly eat coarse grains (crude food products) and go to the sun.
The role of nutrients and minerals
Minerals are the main components of the human body. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen account for approximately 96% of human body weight. Calcium (calcium foods), phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, and sulfur account for 3.95%. Others are traces. A total of 41 elements (microelement foods), often referred to as iron, zinc, copper, selenium, and iodine. Each element has its own important, unique and irreplaceable role, and each element has a close relationship with each other. This is a large proportion of children (children's food) nutrition research. Although minerals do not supply energy, they have important physiological functions: 1 constituting the main components of the skeleton; 2 maintaining the normal physiological functions of nerves and muscles; 3 constituting the components of the enzyme; 4 maintaining osmotic pressure and maintaining acid-base balance. Mineral deficiency is related to diseases, such as calcium deficiency and rickets; iron deficiency (iron food) and anemia; zinc deficiency and growth and development; lack of iodine and growth retardation, mental retardation, etc., should be given enough attention.
The role of nutrient water
Water is a necessary material for life. The body's metabolism and physiological activities are inseparable from the participation of water. Medical education | Education Network collects 70% to 75% of the baby's weight is water, water needs about 150 ml per kilogram of body weight per day, breast milk is the vast majority of water, so the first 4 months of exclusive breastfeeding children do not have to feed water alone , but mixed feeding and artificial feeding of children must pay attention to feeding. The amount of water that should be fed can be determined by multiplying the weight of water in 150 ml by the number of kilograms of water needed, and subtracting the amount of milk ingested.
Children's individual differences and the weather and the environment all affect the amount of drinking water. Parents should not forget to give their children water, nor should they force their children to drink water. Dehydration and water intoxication are both detrimental to the child’s health. Water comes from various foods and drinking water.
The role of nutrient cellulose
Cellulose is not digested food, but its role can not be ignored. It can stimulate the production of digestive (digestive food) fluid and promote intestinal peristalsis. It absorbs water and facilitates defecation. It can also lower plasma cholesterol levels, improve blood glucose (glucose food) production response, and affect the rate and location of nutrient absorption. The establishment of bacterial flora also plays a beneficial role. Fruits, vegetables, cereals (cereals), and beans all contain more cellulose (cellulose food) for parents to choose from.
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