The purpose of raising the deer is to hope that the deer has higher fertility, has a healthy constitution, and breeds superior offspring. Whether or not the female deer can breed good offspring is not only related to the female deer species, but also has a close relationship with the husbandry and management. Good husbandry and management can enable the female deer to display its excellent production performance. According to the nutritional needs and feeding and management characteristics of the doe in different periods, the deer breeding management can be divided into three periods.
Survival time of the fittest
After weaning the deer at the end of August each year, the doe stops lactation and enters the early stage of physical recovery. The breeding season starts from mid-September to late November. Before deciding to breed, deer herds should be eliminated, and the deer who has infertility, evil spirits, age, or serious illness should be eliminated. According to the genetic relationship of the species, age and physical health, the group can be divided into the core group, the general breeding group, and the deer group. Each breeder deer generally prefers 25-30.
The breeding and management level of the mating period doe has an important impact on accelerating the mating schedule and improving the deer fertility rate. For example, during the breeding period, if the female deer body is wasted and malnutrition, the estrus will be late or not in heat, and the breeding period will be prolonged, and even the female deer will be infertile. Full body condition, well-fed doe, rapid growth and development of eggs, strong lust, estrus obvious, and can focus on heat in advance, so the mating progress is fast, the conception rate and twin birth rate is also higher.
During the breeding period, the doe diets should be adapted to local conditions, mainly based on large-size coarse materials and juicy feeds, supplemented by concentrates. The concentrate is mainly bean cake, corn, sorghum and so on. The deer feeds 1-1.2 kilograms of concentrate, 2.5-3.5 kilograms of coarse material, 18 grams of salt, and 15-20 grams of calcium hydrogen phosphate. Trace elements and vitamins should be added appropriately according to the branding instructions used.
Adjustment of nutritional structure during pregnancy
The deer's gestation period is generally seven and a half months (225-234 days), mainly referring to the year of December to April of the coming year. The growth and development of the fetus during the pre-pregnancy and mid-pregnancy is relatively slow, and the growth and development of the fetus is very fast in the later period, and the maternal uterus and mammary gland also increase. More than 80% of the fetus's weight gains during the last 3 months of pregnancy. By the end of pregnancy, diets should be formulated according to the different stages of fetal growth and development. In particular, the stomach volume of the deer gradually decreases during the later period of pregnancy, and the digestive function is weakened. The feed of the deer should be selected for its small volume, good quality, and strong palatability. Concentrates such as protein cake feed should account for 30% -35%, corn, sorghum, bran, etc. accounted for 50% -70%. The amount of roughage for pregnant female deer is 2.5-3.0 kg of ground corn stalk. Conditions can be fed silage, high acidity should not be avoided to prevent miscarriage.
The pregnant doe is fed 2 or 3 times of roughage during the day. If it is fed 2 times during the day, it should be fed with coarse material at night.
In the second trimester of pregnancy, all female deer should be inspected, deer populations should be adjusted, and frail and malnourished doe should be allocated to the corresponding deer for feeding management.
In order to enhance the physical health of the doe, exercise regularly for 1 hour every day. The deer's room is well lit, 10 cm thick hay is often placed on the livestock bed, and the barn and sports grounds are frequently cleaned to regularly disinfect the drug and strengthen the pregnant and domesticated deer. Pay attention to stable groups to prevent accidents caused by abortions.
Breastfeeding must increase nutrition
The deer began to lamb in early May and was weaned in late August. The lactation period was about 90 days. After being born for one month, the deer gains 6 kg in weight, and the average daily weight gain is about 0.5 kg. The lactating doe needs to absorb large amounts of protein, fat, minerals and vitamins and drinking water from the feed every day, and it is converted into milk in the body.
After giving birth to the female deer, the rumen volume increases and the gastrointestinal digestive capacity increases. Therefore, the deer lactation period is higher than the feed intake during pregnancy, the water requirement is also large, and the quantity and quality of the feed supply increase accordingly. The lactation doe concentrate feeds 65% to 75% of the protein feed in the diet. It feeds 2-3 times of coarse material, 3 times of fine material per day, and feeds 1 time of coarse material at night.
In the fall, the doe house should pay special attention to maintaining cleanliness and avoid harmful microorganisms contaminating the doe's udder and breast milk, causing deer disease. Keepers regularly clean the deer's house and disinfect the drug spray.
Timely adjustment and domestication of the female deer do not be forced to drive away the deer and deer that are timid, panicky, frightened, and vulnerable. If necessary, they need to be guided by the docile deer.
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