Scientists have discovered the mechanism by which cells repair telomeres

Scientists have discovered the mechanism by which cells repair telomeres

July 04, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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German scientists have recently discovered that if the protective telomere at both ends of the chromosome is shortened or damaged prematurely, the cell will initiate a repair mechanism to prevent the telomere from being too short and leading to premature aging. The discovery will help deepen understanding of cell aging, human aging and cancer.

A chromosome is a long chain of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules. Like a shoelace, a telomere is a plastic head at the ends of a lace that prevents the laces from coming off the line. Each time the cells divide, the telomeres become shorter and the protective power decreases. After a short period of time, the cells stop dividing and die.

Shortening telomeres can cause cell senescence, but if it does not change, the cells will divide indefinitely and become cancerous. Normally, telomeres are gradually shortened according to normal procedures, maintaining a balance between cell proliferation and prevention of cancer. If an accidental event causes the telomere to become too early, it needs to be repaired to prevent premature aging of the cells.

Researchers at the German Institute of Molecular Biology and Johannes Gutenberg University found that the core of this repair mechanism is an RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecule called TERRA.

Researchers report in the new issue of Cell, the TERRA molecule, a sophisticated regulatory mechanism that affects the cell's life cycle. The molecule accumulates on the telomere. If the telomere is long, two specific proteins are bound to it, and the TERRA molecule is removed. If the telomere is particularly short, the two proteins will not bind to it, and the TERRA molecule can Staying for a long time is a signal for cells to repair telomeres. This repair mechanism ensures the subsequent repair of short telomeres and is the key to cell survival and division.

The study was carried out with yeast, and since all complex organisms possess both telomere and TERRA molecules, the researchers believe that the repair mechanism should also be applicable to humans. They will then use human cells to study the relationship between this mechanism and human aging and cancer.

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