Scientists complete human pigs: mixed cells survive for 28 days

Scientists complete human pigs: mixed cells survive for 28 days

June 08, 2016 Source: Drive House

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In recent years, scientists have been trying to use animals to repair humans to reduce the cost of organ transplants.

Now researchers have made great progress.

According to the British "Daily Mail" report, scientists recently announced the successful completion of human stem cell and porcine DNA binding experiments, the growing embryos were placed in the experimental pigs, the survival period of up to 28 days. The whole experiment is divided into five steps: gene sequence extraction, gene and stem cell mixing, cell implantation, embryo development, organ growth and transplantation.

According to reports, these embryos are actually normal piglets, but there are human stem cells in the body. Scientists hope to solve the shortage of organ sources in human organ transplantation surgery through this experiment.

For a long time, there are two major difficulties in cultivating human organs in animals. One is that the human body itself will react to foreign organs, and the other is that organ transplantation may cause animal bacteria to transfer to the human body.

But now, scientists have solved these two problems. They have successfully solved the genetic code of pig pancreatic cells and determined the future changes of embryos by implanting accurate gene sequences into human stem cells. The mixed cells will be placed in the body of the adult sow and eventually grow into human pancreatic organs.

However, this experiment has also attracted a lot of criticism for scientists. Some opponents believe that this kind of human pig cell combination experiment is an affront to human dignity.

Berman Airway

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