Reasons and prevention of eating tires in tractors

Large tire wear on both sides of the tractor is inconsistent, and sometimes wear quickly on one side, that is, "eat the tire" phenomenon. The reason: 1. Long-term over-loading of tractors overloads tires, increasing the slip rate and accelerating tire wear. At this time, if the pressure of the tires on both sides is different and there is a large difference between them, the wear of tires with low air pressure will increase, and the tires that eat tires will be particularly fast. Prevention methods: tire pressure should meet the regulations, hot season may be slightly lower, - generally take the lower limit of the specified value. If the tire pressure is too high, the ply will be excessively stretched to cause excessive fatigue or breakage; the tire pressure is too low, and the ply is excessively wrinkled and deformed, which can easily cause the rubber layer to separate from the ply and accelerate the aging and wear of the rubber layer. Therefore, do not overload the tractor for a long period of time to reduce tire slip wear. 2. Trailer traction tripods for tractor trailers have been determined to be unequal; when the trailer tripod is not equal to waist difference of 60mm, large tires on the short-shoulder side will reduce the service life by 1/2, and the trailer tires on that side will also increase wear. . Control method: Measure the distance from the center point of the tripod pin hole of the tripod to the center of the two front wheels of the trailer. These two distances should be equal. If you do not wait, you must find out the reason and exclude it. If necessary, recreate an isosceles tripod. 3. The front and rear wheels on the left and right sides of the tractor have unequal wheelbases on both sides of the front and rear wheels, except for the front wheels on the short wheelbase side, which can cause wear of the other three tires. Control methods: Check the wheelbase of the front and rear wheels on both sides by correcting the front wheels and compare the two shortest distances on the outer edges of the front and rear wheels. If not, you should find out the reason. Usually caused by the bending deformation of the knuckle bracket, knuckle shaft, front axle or large axle, it can be removed to correct or replace the new one to restore the same wheelbase of the front and rear wheels on both sides. 4. The resonance of the unit accelerates the wear of the big tire. If there is no problem in the above three items, the abnormal phenomenon of wear of the septum malformation occurs in the large tire on the right side. That is, the resonance of the unit is in trouble. At this time, the driver only needs to change the position of the accelerator, and do not put the throttle on the speed that can cause the unit to resonate. The big tires will be cured if they catch fetuses.

Vitamins & Nutritions


Vitamin A: Retinol. Carotene compounds responsible for transmitting light sensation in the retina of the eye. Deficiency leads to night blindness.

Beta carotene: An antioxidant which protects cells against oxidation damage that can lead to cancer. Beta carotene is converted, as needed, to vitamin A. Food sources of beta carotene include vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and other leafy green vegetables; and fruit such as cantaloupes and apricots. Excessive carotene in the diet can temporarily yellow the skin, a condition called carotenemia, commonly seen in infants fed largely mushed carrots.

Vitamin B1: Thiamin, acts as a coenzyme in body metabolism. Deficiency leads to beriberi, a disease of the heart and nervous system.

Vitamin B2: Riboflavin, essential for the reactions of coenzymes. Deficiency causes inflammation of the lining of the mouth and skin.

Vitamin B3: Niacin, an essential part of coenzymes of body metabolism. Deficiency causes inflammation of the skin, vagina, rectum and mouth, as well as mental slowing.

Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine, a cofactor for enzymes. Deficiency leads to inflammation of the skin and mouth, nausea, vomiting, dizziness , weakness and anemia.

Folate (folic acid): Folic acid is an important factor in nucleic acid synthesis (the genetic material). Folate deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia.

Vitamin B12: An essential factor in nucleic acid synthesis (the genetic material of all cells). Deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia, as can be seen in pernicious anemia.

Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid, important in the synthesis of collagen, the framework protein for tissues of the body. Deficiency leads to scurvy, characterized by fragile capillaries, poor wound healing, and bone deformity in children.

Vitamin D: A steroid vitamin which promotes absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Under normal conditions of sunlight exposure, no dietary supplementation is necessary because sunlight promotes adequate vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Deficiency can lead to osteomalacia in adults and bone deformity (rickets) in children.

Vitamin E: Deficiency can lead to anemia.

Vitamin K: An essential factor in the formation of blood clotting factors. Deficiency can lead to abnormal bleeding.


For the treatment of nutritional disease, any of the nutrient-related diseases and conditions that cause illness in humans. They may include deficiencies or excesses in the diet, obesity and eating disorders, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes mellitus. Nutritional diseases also include developmental abnormalities that can be prevented by diet, hereditary metabolic disorders that respond to dietary treatment, the interaction of foods and nutrients with drugs, food allergies and intolerances, and potential hazards in the food supply. All of these categories are described in this article. For a discussion of essential nutrients, dietary recommendations, and human nutritional needs and concerns throughout the life cycle, see nutrition, human.

*Related Products:vitamins drugs,nutritions drugs.

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