Lake turtles mimic the high efficiency of wild aquaculture

The four-group science and technology demonstration farmer Zhao Sigui of Jinqiao Village, Maqiao Town, Xian'an District, has a family of 3 people, 2 people working on 30 mu fish ponds. In recent years, he has adjusted the aquaculture structure and breeding mode around the market and implemented turtle-like wild ecological breeding. He has achieved good positive results and has been hailed by the local people as a farmer with high investment and reasonable income. His main approach is: First, reasonable investment due to the use of wild ecological farming, stocking density is not high, last year a total of 3,000 hatchlings were hatched, 3500 pups, 7 pounds into 7 acres of stocking only 800, about 300 grams, The lower stocking density is more conducive to the growth of turtle tortoises in the wild ecological environment. Second, turtle species are grown in order to increase the survival rate of turtle culture. In accordance with the breeding habits of turtles, a special turtle spawning ground is built on pool ponds. After green turtles lay eggs, they are hatched into young turtles. Cuttlefish ponds develop about 0.25 kilograms of young turtles, and then they are stocked in turtle ponds for stocking. Third, to strengthen the management of "three minutes and seven points", production management is the key. Zhao Sigui put strict "three levels" (disinfection, quantity, and quality) before the seedlings in the lower pool to prevent all types of parasites and germs from being introduced. Fewer feeds were used to simulate the wild growth environment of the turtles. Human disturbances make turtles completely living in the wild. Although this model of wild ecological farming has a small stocking density and a long breeding cycle, it has a low prevalence of disease and is easy to manage. The output of turtles is similar to the wild and is welcomed by the market. It is a high quality and efficient ecological breeding mode.

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