In recent years, China's animal husbandry has achieved rapid and healthy development, and animal husbandry has gradually become the leading industry in the vast rural economy. Nowadays, in the countryside, the animal husbandry industry model is still dominated by large-scale breeding communities and specialized breeding households. Now we will introduce to you that the twelve methods of feed processing and modulation that are simple and easy for farmers to breed are only for reference. 1. Shredded straw, vines, grasses, pastures, etc., should be chopped and then fed to the livestock. The pigs' vegetables should be cut into 1-2 cm in order to achieve the "three-inch and three-knife cut. Effect. 2. When the powder is used as feed for hay, grain, etc., it should be finely powdered and then fed to help digestion. The degree of chalking should be based on the type of feed and livestock and age. The feed of adult pigs and cattle can be crushed to roughly 1-2 mm, and chicken feed should be ground to a slightly coarser powder. 3. When pulping beans and cakes, etc., as feed, it is better to soak and then feed the livestock. This will be more conducive to digestion and absorption, improve the feeding effect, and can also reduce the hydrocyanic acid toxin in the feed. . 4. Bud formation When the grain feed germinates to 10 cm, its vitamin content, especially the content of carotene and riboflavin, is extremely rich, and it is one of the good raw materials for breeding vitamins for breeders and young animals. 5. After harvesting fresh green weathered forage, live cells are still consuming nutrients in the feed, and the microorganisms multiply rapidly and become degenerated. Therefore, fresh green feed should be air-dried in time, but it should not be exposed to sunlight to avoid vitamin loss. 6. Heating For bean feedstuffs, steaming method should be adopted to process and modulate, in order to destroy the antitrypsin in the legume feed, increase the effective methionine and cystine in the protein, increase the biological value of the feed and increase the palatability, the cooking time is about 50 minutes is appropriate. 7. Storage The green feed is stored in various kiln, pool, tank and non-toxic polyethylene plastic bags. Storage is performed under anaerobic conditions to produce lactic acid to protect the nutrients of the green feed and increase its utilization and digestibility. Plastic bag silage has the advantages of simple process, long shelf life, rich nutrition and good palatability. 8. Alkalization The basification of coarse feed containing crude fiber is performed with 1% lime water. The water can be immersed in the feed, which is immersed for 24 hours and then taken out directly without flushing with fresh water. Alkalized fodder livestock can fully digest and absorb its nutrients, and has the effect of supplementing calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and other trace elements, and can also increase feed intake and digestibility. 9. Acidification Mixing with appropriate amount of phosphoric acid to store greengrocers, and then adding a little Glauber's salt, can increase the content of sulfur compounds in the feed, help non-protein compounds to form bacterial proteins, enhance the vitality of lactic acid bacteria, thereby increasing the nutritional value of feed. 10. Ammonia The first roughage cut into 2-3 cm, with 15% of ammonia per 100 kg with 12-15 kg of ammonia, the layer of food compaction, layer by layer after spraying ammonia storage, at room temperature 25 °C -30 Ammonia can be used for 7 days at °C. When the seal is opened, sufficient aeration is required to allow the residual ammonia to evaporate and then be fed. 11. Aldehytion When 0.12% formaldehyde and 0.14% formic acid are added to the silage and leguminous mixed silage, the loss of heat energy is reduced, and the function of preventing protein breakdown is added during silage, which indirectly increases the silage of non-silage. Soluble protein nutrients. That is, using formaldehyde to treat feed, silage, and hay can increase its nutritional value. 12. Saccharification Add 100 kg of roughage to the prepared enzyme (Qiju) 2–5 kg, add 100 kg of water and mix it tightly to seal it. When the temperature rises to about 40°C, then the feed is compressed, sealed, and temperature controlled. After 2-4 days of storage, you can take the feed. After the feed is saccharified, it has the characteristics of acid, sweet, fragrant, soft and cooked, excellent palatability, and the livestock and poultry love to eat and feed well.
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