Causes of soybean yellow leaf disease

Yellow leaf disease cause yellow leaf disease will cause serious damage to the growth of legumes. Such as early onset, yellow leaves, short plants, no scab. In the mid-term onset, even if there is scarring, there is no grain, and even if there is grain, it may cause severe loss of production or loss of grain. The reasons for its onset are as follows: 1. Long-term use of chemical fertilizers reduces farmyard manure and causes soil compaction. 2. In recent years, the use of combine harvesters and burning of wheat bran has become common and has destroyed the surface structure of the soil. 3, lack of symptoms serious: such as iron, calcium and so on. 4, bacterial infection is the main reason for the occurrence of yellow leaf disease. The types of yellow leaf disease can be summarized as: lack of type, bacterial type, lack of sugar type, etc., long-term continuous rain, poor photosynthesis cause plants lack of sugar; appear yellow leaves, so that premature aging, defoliation, falling, resulting in reduced production.

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