Australian study identifies a three-dimensional structure of an anti-cancer "brake" molecule
December 19, 2018 Source: Chinese Journal of Science and Technology
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Richard Berry, a biochemistry and molecular biology researcher at Monash University in Australia, who led the study, said the role of the human body's immune system "brakes" is to prevent the immune system from attacking healthy tissues. Many tumors use this mechanism to release special biomarkers on the surface to deceive the human body to initiate a "brake" mechanism to escape the immune system.
He said: "The results we obtained from animal experiments show that by preventing CD96 from exerting a 'brake' effect, it may be more effective in preventing tumor spread than other current therapies... CD96 blocking therapy has been shown to treat lung cancer and prostate in animal experiments. Both cancer and skin cancer are effective and have low side effects."
The researchers say that the CD96 molecule of this structure can be better used as a target for controlling tumor spread in animal experiments, compared to the two other anti-cancer "brake" molecules PD-1 and CTLA-4 previously discovered. It has important application prospects in the field of cancer immunotherapy.
Cancer immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the body's own immune function to search for and kill cancer cells. Berry said that determining the three-dimensional structure of the "brake" molecule would help researchers develop targeted drugs. Related papers were recently published in the American Biological Journal "Structure".
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