An experimental drug is expected to curb the test effect of Parkinson's disease mice. Human clinical trials begin within the year.
July 06, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Researchers report in the journal Nature Medicine that NLY01 works by binding to the so-called glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor on certain cell surfaces. The results of human brain cell culture and living mouse model show that the drug can block the degeneration of Parkinson's diseased brain cells, thus effectively alleviating Parkinson's disease.
In human brain cell culture experiments, the researchers found that NLY01 shuts down the activation signals of human microglia and prevents healthy astrocytes from transforming into destructive astrocytes. Activated destructive astrocytes phagocytose connections between brain cells and cause neuronal death, inducing Parkinson's disease.
In a subsequent mouse experiment, the researchers injected mice with alpha synuclein (the major driving protein of Parkinson's disease) and treated 10 of them with NLY01. They found that mice injected with alpha synuclein but not treated with NLY01 showed significant motor neuron damage in behavioral tests, while mice treated with NLY01 maintained normal bodily functions without loss. Dopamine neurons, suggesting that NLY01 prevents the development of Parkinson's disease in mice.
In another mouse experiment, the researchers used genetically engineered mice to naturally produce more human alpha synuclein, a practice commonly used to model human family hereditary Parkinson's disease. Under normal circumstances, these transgenic mice died within 387 days, but the lifespan of 20 mice treated with NLY01 was prolonged by more than 120 days, and their brains had almost no neurodegenerative features of Parkinson's disease.
The researchers said that the results of the mouse experiment gave them reason to expect that NLY01 could have a positive impact on patients with Parkinson's disease in a relatively short period of time. They expect that the human clinical trial of the drug will begin within the year, and if successful, the drug may become one of the main treatments for Parkinson's disease. (Reporter Liu Haiying)
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